Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Research and Methodology (So Far)


Jencks, C. (1973) Modern Movements in Architecture. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.

Minke, G. (2012) Building with Bamboo. Berlin: Birkhauser Ltd.

Vidiella, A.S. (2011) Bamboo in Architecture and Design. Barcelona: LOFT Publications S.L.


Ngui, N. (2012). Bamboo to Replace Timber. The Malay Mail. 25 December, p.18.

Wilson, H. (2012). Chic and Eco-Friendly Bamboo Houses. The Star. 21 October, p.10.


Anon (2012). Flying Bamboo. FuturArc, 3rd Quarter Issue (26), pp.70-73.

Buckley, M. (2012). Specifying Wood. FuturArc, 3rd Quarter Issue (26), pp.137-141.

Kishnani, N. (2012). Green buildings in Asia: Are they sustainable? FuturArc, 3rd Quarter Issue (26), pp.34-39.

Tan, A. (2012). Back to Nature. Space, 4, pp.48-57.

Pdf Documents

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Malaysians' Perception of Bamboo [Began 31 October 2012]

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I would like to share your article with our members at www.bellobamboo.com I would like to modify it/summarise aspects to suit our audience. Please let me know if this is ok.

